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2021-02-06 作者:故事大全 阅读:

小王是一家上市公司的员工,平常生活过得平平淡淡……直到他听见了它。不知从什么时候一天小王在去上班路上听见一种奇怪的声音、“咚咚咚” ,路上汽车很多小王以为自己听错了,便不怎么在意。














Introduce:Xiaowang is one appears on the market the employee of the company, everyday life passes smoothly to made the same score light …… to hear it till him. Do not know from when a day of Xiaowang is hearing a kind of strange voice, " Dong Dong Dong " , the car on the road is very much Xiaowang thinks him mishear, not very is cared about. Hasty one day went, everything is so insipid. This day of Xiaowang is walking along a road to go t


o work as before, go to yesterday when him this position when, "Dong Dong Dong " this strange sound remembered again, this fails to cause Xiaowang's attention as before. Small king of day after day discovers he always can hear this strange voice. Such small king discover this voice is bigger and bigger, as if to be by the side of him ear. This caused Xiaowang's panic, xiaowang begins to rush about between the hospital, the doctor that can have seen Xiaowang says Xiaowang's ear is no problem. But such this sound are as before by small king ear,ring everyday " Dong Dong Dong " , listen, the past that is


like time of closer and closer …… one day one day, this sound not only do not have subsidise louder and louder instead " Dong Dong Dong " , and noisy time longer and longer, voice is bigger and bigger …… eventually Xiaowang couldn't help. Xiaowang is being tormented by this sound in the evening cannot fall asleep, more and more bloodless also by day, work efficiency ah linear and below. So small Wang Ci the job, but this voice is bigger and bigger, as if to be by the side of him ear. In a day of night, xiaowang shops outside come back, when going to off-street, this sound appeared again " Dong Dong Dong " it is so clear, as if to follow in small king back, the sky in lane does not have one person, xiaowang hears this sound is closer and closer, as if it is behind oneself. Small Wang Bujiao quickened a pace, can fail to cast off this sound as before so. "Dong Dong Dong " seem to follow in Xiaowang back, small Wang Zai also couldn't help, do not


consider on fear hasty in the future looked, this saw Xiaowang frighten jump greatly. . . . . . Did not have Xiaowang of one person …… to look for photograph of a tall person to aid through the friend for


nothing as before after one's death, after this tall person has looked, can can't help shaking one's head however, silent as the grave. Small Wang Ye is helpless, does the heart want to you can help me with respect to nobody? Went one days a day so, sound circles in side side as before ceaseless, xiaowang's life is already adjacent break down, bloodless by day, can sleep only in the evening on a few hours. . . Xiaowang was immersed in despair in. Do not become resistance, as if this sound is him is fated. Voice is bigger and bigger, as if root of ear of press close to, be like is him those who put is general.


