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2021-02-06 作者:故事大全 阅读:



当小青撤掉纱布的一瞬间她看到的不是一片光明,她看到的是一片血红的世界,她 的视线中有一个年级大约7~8岁的小女孩的样子,冲着她诡异的一笑就消失了。这个画面很短暂,很快小青就看到了外面的世界,看着陌生的世界,小青心里高兴的快疯了。小青恢复的很好,很快就适应了这双眼睛,于是出于好奇就问医生这双眼睛的来历,那个医生尴尬的笑了笑,说:“这是医院你的高度机密,不经过捐献者的亲属的同意我们是不可以随便透露的。”小青感觉这个医生似乎极力的想隐瞒什么。







Introduce:Small blueness is a gentle and quiet girl, the figure is carried high, temperament is quite good also, the most important is the piano that plays skill is well. But God is fairness, open a door to be able to close a window for you to you. Small blueness is an a blind person, since be born is the blind, but because her family circumstances is very rich,accept best cure to still have the most advantageous requirement as a child so, but the double eye of all all blind people that cannot save an inherent deformity. Small blueness has an elder sister to cry small red, this pair of elder sister people the flower is the goddess in a lot of popular feeling, the relationship that be worth what carry is this pair of sisters is particularly good, arrived basically the degree of keep no secrets f


rom each other, small red pair of is less than beauty soon world feelings of the little sister that looks at oneself it is so inequitable, discussing to want to taking a little sister to become an operation then, want to let a little sister see sunshine. The charge of this operation is originally natural be nothing diff


icult but because do not have appropriate canthus film all the time,did not carry out all the time so rise. One day suddenly a hospital hits a phone to say to find appropriate eye cornea the operation is very fast can carry out normally, this but small red glad bad, pulling small blueness to go to that hospital then. Just saw there is a woman in corridor to that hospital, that woman is saying a word with the doctor, see young red young young a general term for young women people come over to do not have conversation, that doctor says this is the mother of the girl of that canthus film, that woman looks at the eye of small blueness weirdly suddenly, it seems that on the face more it is afraid what thing, hear that woman sighed to say at a heat only: "Knowing is blessing or disaster! " say to go. Small red look at indescribable woman, thinking that word to have deep idea additionally it seems that, but the little sister that thinks of oneself in an instant can see light immediately, toss this idea gave a head. The operation is very successful, very fast small blueness arrived convalescence, cross a week small blueness to be able to remove the gauze on the eye again, but small red because want nonlocal show, left a hospital. What remove gauze when small blueness is flashy what she sees is not a light, what she sees is world of a blood-red, there is a year in her line of sight about 7~8 year old the appearance of little girl, dev


eloping her to laughed weirdly to disappear. This appearance is very brief, very fast small bluenes


s saw the world outside, look at new world, in little green heart glad fast mad. What small blueness restores is very good, got used to this pair of eyes very quickly, stem from curiosity to ask a doctor the source of this pair of eyes then, the laugh of that doctor awkwardness, say: "This is a hospital your height is confidential, of the relative that does not pass subscriber agreeing with us can not disclose casually. " small blueness feels this doctor



