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2021-02-18 作者:故事大全 阅读:
















Introduce:Groups of Henan is sma


ll Zhang Baichao is rich 2 generation, make him exclusively pained unceasingly is age gently oneself however early bald very. Although he tried all sorts of treatment methods, but do not have the effect, it is as before on the top of head inch " careless " not unripe. Recently, zhang Baichao asks to a mountebank that calls Yang Bin has a folk prescription, treat bald only, the effect is outstanding. Then, he looks for Lai Yangbin immediately, beg him to be treated for oneself. Yang Bin agreed, but leave however gave two conditions, ask Zhang Baichao agrees: One: Once begin cure to must hold to after all; 2: Remedial process must keep secret. Zhang Baichao be overjoyed, it is glibly to conditional nature of Yang Bin agree. However, yang Bin's folk prescription really " slant " exceptionally, when be being treated every time, he always takes Zhang Baichao to a meadow of outskirts, will gather careless raw uncultivated land is embedded Zhang Baichao's scalp a few …… is original, this folk prescription disappears have what curative effect


, still do so that Zhang Baichao does not have a law to see a person, he wants to abandon treating. However, be in at this moment, miraculous happening: Those grass on his head gradually by green blacken. After passing cure of a few days again, the grass with embedded first time grew a hair completely. When be treated for the last time, ground of Zhang Baichao continuously examines minutely Yang Bin what are these pine grass after all, ke Yangbin does not tell him namely. See oneself bald is cured basically already, zh


ang Baichao simply go ahead regardless. His menace Yang Bin says, if do not tell him green grass changes the secret of the hair, he goes out all these make public. Yang Bin is helpless, be forced to tell gave the actual situation. He says: "This


meadow is a cemetery actually, buried many the deads, among them some of the dead is buried very shallowly, after they become spirit, begin to grow a hair again, these grass are their hair, I treat bald to you with these grass, actual also be ghost the scalp that borrows you is alimentary oneself hair. " after Zhang Baichao listens big Jing, but think better of thinks, feel incorrect again, say to Yang Bin then: "Fasten talk nonsense, calculate the hair that these grass are the dead or ghost, they also can be black or white only, how can you be


of green? " move of Yang Bin laugh says: "A little while you know a reason. " say, he is developing a meadow to cry: "Ghost man, this person does not keep promise, want to go out your secret disclose, do you look how to do? " talking sound just fell, the meadow begins to vibrate immediately split a vast land is seamed. Then, from the ground in seaming, flush another head, it is with hair dishevelled, rot all over the face person about of the flesh, moldy gas is stifling. See everything what happen at the moment, zhang Baichao " wow " spat — of a green water he is frightened broken



