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2021-02-08 作者:故事大全 阅读:












Introduce:In the out-of-the-way countryside that is far from X city, have so one place does not calculate punch a hole unruffled however exceptionally factory, be worth cold winter recently, air cooling stays at the gate as our footstep, it seems that here appear antipathetic with the world outside. The grandpa of gatehouse is wrapping around coat of a suit army goes slowly, eyeball of have sth in mind of narrow one's eyes asks who we look for. I see the big D behind, had turned round again to that uncle deride, "We will apply for. " uncle nods, the door slowly push, this gate is like sleep deeply chiliad is general, gave out the low growl of loathing. We take yard as the grandpa inside, the wind outside is wanton cry out in distress, how to also blow however do not come in. An approximately cankered pagoda tree is in the center of court, deadwood defeats a leaf, be without opportunity of survival. Staying looking, the arm face of big D carries crash on the back after me below, and caution that grandpa unexpectedly without foundation disappeared! Calculated my attention to appear deviation, but big D keeps sober all the time, don't two people stare at an old person unexpectedly? How do this return a responsibility after all! I made to him a hint given with the eyes, two people come to gatehouse look around, essential a person also is done not have. Run toward the office building on the side of the pagoda tree again randomly, hesitating to whether go up, 2 buildings transmitted grave male voice, "Will you apply for? " saying by the side of us is, the edge is searching Na Shengyuan, stature probably 1.7 the left and right sides, thin thin, be all smiles


look at me two. His brandish waves let us come up, I and big D each other look at each other, the office …… that took out resume to walk into him from the bag this one night, perhaps be the cause that is in different ground personally, how to also sleep to be not worn, I rise lighted root cigarette, big D also very be agi


tated, sit up from the bed look for my ask for a light, in darkness, two faint spark drain are worn disturbed. Big D says coldly, "Go, go out look. " my clutch butt, outside coming to house together with him, corridor is sending out like excrement effluvial, the growl of big D be foul-mouthed is worn, I am covering nose, faint be aware of here seem more than we two people. Big D abruptly drop back two paces, the body is hitting shiver, I am lending mobile phone flashlight smooth wherefrom way looks, of Mom, very big a gundog! This dog is sinister in appearance, before claw is constrictive, the tooth is ground creak is noisily,


regarded us as it seems that big cate. My number is worn " 1.2.3 " pulling big D run in government room, how does that mad dog bump into at one's convenience the door also need not manage. I am chronic lighted root cigarette again, a moment ago so one do sth over and over again, even if also makes in cold winter dripping wet of my two kubla khah. Lean on the door, the voice of grind one's teeth that we hear that mad dog goes far to push the door to looking with one's eyes open again then gradually all around walk out of again, the dormitory arrives courtyard not


