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2021-02-06 作者:故事大全 阅读:










































Introduce:One " my Ca, saw the netizen can die me to thunder yesterday. Still thinking is belle Mm, the result is uglier than ghost. " " uglier than me really? " the person that says this word, a piece of face decays quickly be out of shape, eyeball is squeezed from inside orbit come out, the tongue of blood-red is spat so that often grow. 2 " my girlfriend spent birthday yesterday, the gift happiness that she gets me dizzy past. " " boast, I am not believed. What is what you send? " " Nuo. " his unlock dress, show a huge hematic deficit, "My sincerity. " 3 " you had changed 8 boy friends, how to search even? Should you search after all what kind of? " " haw …… he can never say to me ' not ' , there can be a smile only when be together with me a kind of expression, the food that I cook is again insipid he also should eat go down …… " " too slashing, I reckon nobody can be accomplished. " " who says? Before me 8 male friend were accomplished. " " do then you still search? Where is their person? " " in my home basement. " 4 " of from morning till night, true of his woman uninteresting. " " then you go dead. " " that can be no good. " " why? " " I had died, cannot die again. " 5 " of fortune-telling say I had not lived 20 years old, it is a big cheater really. " " good, blow the candle quickly, cut cake. " with a bang become. If that person falls down with a loud crash like a hopeless case with one sere cut, 7 aperture bleed, cruel kill die. Writing with butter on cake, wish you birthday is happy 20 years old. 6 " hear body weakling is unfavorable pay respects to sb at his tomb, take away nasty thing easily. " " how do you know? " " I follow that in you to come back after one's death namely


. " 7 " the old, this grave by pilfer sky, do we go? " " think? Think beautifully. " " ah! Who are you? Old …… " " hello, are you ground over grind chirp to with who talk? Drive follow closely to come up! " 8


" mom, here is very very black, cold. I am good be afraid of. " " good, a little while good. " she pulls open the ark of a certain ice in mortuary, must follow aspic little girl is held in the arms like ice-lolly. 9 " teacher, what should you do? " the man did not say, extend the ha


nd silently the bosom to her. "Ah —— " the man is lifting the half frightening cry that break a control to wear roll about on the ground. 10 " ' ethereal star does not talk, does the baby on the ground think mom …… ' the libretto that which song this is? " " " horrible waxwork house " . " " " horrible waxwork house " ..


