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2020-12-09 作者:故事大全 阅读:

I just bought 20 acres of nice land and we got it for very cheap. The Old man wouldn't tell us why it was so cheap; he just shook his head and said, "Please don't ask". So we took it on upon ourselves to find out. 我以非常低的价钱买了一块20英亩大的很好的土地。卖地的那个老人不愿告诉我们如此低价卖掉这块地的原因,他只是摇摇头,说:“请不要问我。”因此,我们打算自己来一探究竟。

We went to the local library and looked through the old newspapers. And then we came across a story that made our skin crawl. It Read: 我们到当地的图书馆去查阅旧报纸,有一则故事让我们毛骨悚然,故事的标题是:“一块20 英亩大的土地的树林中发现两位本地少年死尸。”

"Local Teenagers found dead in woods of a 20 acre plot".The paper was dated 1942. My girlfriend and I went on to read that apparently two girls were swimming in one of the large ponds there is on the land and one of the girls (we will call her Lauren) got caught up in the net that Jamie's father was using to drag the pond of any catfish. Well Jamie tried to get Lauren untangled from the net but it was too late. Lauren had drowned. Heartbroken that her drunken father had not heard her screaming Jamie walked into the woods leaned against a tree and shot her in the head. 报纸是1942年的。我和女朋友接着往下读,事情大概是这样的:两个女孩在本地的一个池塘里游泳,其中的一个女孩(我们且叫她劳兰)被洁米(另一个女孩)父亲放在池塘里用来捕鲶鱼的网缠住,洁米想替劳兰把网解开,但已经来不及了,劳兰已经被溺死。而洁米的爸爸喝醉了,没有听到女儿的尖叫声,心碎的洁米便上岸来到树林里,她靠在一棵树上,举枪自尽了。

No one could understand why Jamie did this, but as investigations later proved, the two girls were lovers. 没人知道洁米为什么这么做,但随着调查的深入,证明这两个女孩子是一对恋人。

We sat there in silence for a minute and then I started flipping through the pages again and I found another article, it read: 我们沉默的坐在那儿,然后我又浏览了一下其他报纸,又发现了一篇文章,写着:

"Two more Local Teenagers Found dead in woods on 20 acre plot". “一块20英亩大的土地的树林中又发现两位本地少年死尸。”

It seems that a teenage boy and his girlfriend were found dead in the woods. They had died of fright. No one knows what they saw except it scared the hell out of them. Then I later read that a second teenage couple had been found dead, they also had died of fright. 一个男孩和他女朋友的尸体在树丛里被人找到。他们的死因是惊吓过度,没人知道他们看见了什么,大家只知道他们吓得把命都丢了。接着我又读到一篇文章,又有一对少年情侣因为惊吓过度而死亡。

After reading that we drove out to the land and camped out close to the woods to see if we could see anything. About 2:00am we heard crying, shortly followed by a gunshot. My girlfriend and I jumped up and looked into the deep woods, all we heard was the loud crackling of the fire. Then out of the blue a figure of a girl stood on the edge of the woods. I felt the hair rise on the back of my neck, for we were only 15 feet away. Then a smile came across the girl’s face as she turned and walked back into the woods. 读完那些文章,我和女朋友便开车到了那块地方,在树林边露营,想看看我们能不能见到什么东西。凌晨两点左右,我们听到一阵哭声,紧接着是开枪的声音。我俩跳起来,望向树林深处,我们唯一能听见的便是枪开火的声音。接着,夜幕中一个女孩的身影出现在树林边,我们相距只有15英尺的距离,我觉得我脖子上的寒毛都竖起来了。然后那女孩笑了笑,转身走进了树林。

As the nights passed we didn't see her, we even walked in the woods together at night.Then a month later on the 18th we saw her again. We heard crying then a gunshot and then we saw her at the edge of the woods. This happened every month on the 18th. Then one night we invited my cousin and his girlfriend to come witness it. It happened like it normally did except this time the girl’s eyes turned red when she saw my cousin and his girlfriend. She stared towards them and they ran to his car and sped off. Then she turned to us. I stood my ground. Her eyes were now blue again as she pointed to our hand holding. Then she smiled and turned and walked back into the woods. But this time she stopped and pointed to the right of her where another figure of a girl appeared. They walked towards each other and hugged then they joined hands looked back at us, smiled and then vanished. 之后的夜晚我们没再见到她,我和女朋友甚至在入夜后一起到过树林里。但接下来那个月的18号,我们又见到了她,先是一阵哭声,接着是枪响声,然后她出现在树林边上。每个月的18号这种情况就发生一次。直到一天我请我表弟和他的女朋友也来看,这次,当她看到我表弟和他女朋友时,她的眼睛变红了。她紧盯着他们,他们俩吓得赶紧跑进车开走了。她转过身看向我,我愣在原地。当她看到我和女朋友紧握的手时,她眼睛的颜色又恢复为蓝色,接着她又像往常一样笑了笑并走回树林,只是这次她向自己的右手边指了指,那儿出现了另外一个女孩的身影,她们向彼此走去,互相拥抱,手拉着手回头看了看我们,微笑并消失了。

I guess she had to come out of the woods in order to reunite with Lauren and only a boy and girl couple can drive her out. 我猜她到树林外是要和劳兰团聚的,而一对一男一女的情侣会惊扰到她。

I don't know but I haven't heard crying or a gun shot for at least a year. But I do still see them holding hands and walking along the edge of the woods by the ponds. But only on the 18th. 我记不清楚,但我大概有一年的时间没听到哭声和枪响声了。但我还能看见她俩手拉手沿着池塘的小路散步,但仅限于18号。


