I worked in my local pub and over the weekends and some times during the week I would stay over there with the other bar manager. We shared a room. It wasn't strange to us to hear things at night. Sometimes the juke box would come on; sometimes you could hear voices and laughter coming from the bar. I used to like hearing that, as if those people who had really enjoyed coming to the pub still liked to pop in for a late drink! 我和朋友在本地开了家酒吧,周末的时候,并和朋友一起住在酒吧里,偶尔工作日也会住在那儿。我俩共用一个房间,晚上听到动静对我们来说并不是什么新鲜事。有时候是唱片点唱机,有时是从酒吧传来的谈笑声。我曾经是很喜欢听到这种声音的,就像那些非常喜欢泡吧的人大晚上也要来喝一杯一样。
Every morning, no matter how much you had scrubbed and polished the bar top the night before, you would find three water marks, as if the landlord and two regulars had stayed and had a drink together. Then other things started happening. 不管我们头天晚上是如何认真仔细得擦洗吧台,第二天早上,总能在上面发现三个水印,看起来就像是酒吧老板和俩位老主顾呆到很晚,一起喝了酒似的。还有其他奇怪的事情发生。
When I was in the bathroom there would be knocks on the door. I would call out but get no answer, and sometimes find there had been no one upstairs but me. I would hear running footsteps and a child's laughter. The sash window in the room I stayed in would never close fully and condensation used to build up on my full length mirror. In the morning you could see two small hand prints at the bottom of the mirror. Again, these occurrences didn't bother me; in fact it was quite comforting. 我上洗手间时,会听到敲门声,但当我大声的问是谁时,却没人回答。有几次我从洗手间出来,却发现二楼只有我一个人。我还会听到人跑动的脚步声和一个小孩的笑声。我房间的上下推拉窗总关不严,所以夜里我的大穿衣镜上会凝结水汽,第二天早上,就会在镜子下方看到两个小手印。这些事情并没有让我感到烦恼,实际上,我还觉得挺欣慰的。
At night I would sometimes feel someone get into bed with me and feel two little hands in the small of my back. However, things started happening that DID bother me. 到了晚上,我有时会觉得有人钻到了我的被窝里面,能感到有两只小手在背后摸我的腰部。 (这也算不了什么),但是,这之后发生的事情真的让我感到不安。
After locking up one night I and the other bar manager were cleaning up. Now, in the ladies toilets there was a door that opened up into a courtyard, however no one had ever found the key. As I was checking out the toilets, I saw the door handle move. I thought someone had managed to get into the courtyard and called to my friend to look through the window. He didn't see anyone. Then the door handle started moving much more violently and I ran out to my friend. 一天晚上打烊后,我和朋友开始打扫酒吧。女洗手间有扇门能通到院子里,但那门的钥匙我们始终没找到。但当我在检查女洗手间的时候,却看到门把手在动,我以为是有人在后院,便从洗手间里喊朋友到窗边看看。他没看见院子里有人,但此时,门把手动得更厉害了,我赶紧跑出去和朋友呆在一起。
We both watched through the window as an unseen hand rattled the door handle. We took off upstairs quite quickly, put all the lights on and slept in the living room that night. I hated having to go to the toilet at night from that point on. 有人在咔哒咔哒得转动门把手,但我和朋友从窗户看出去的时候,却看不到院子里有任何人。我俩赶紧跑到楼上,把所有灯都打开,当晚我们都睡在客厅里。从此之后,我痛恨晚上上洗手间。
The bathroom was at the end of corridor and I would always feel as if something was walking right behind me. I once saw a tall, dark shadow walk around the corner and into the kitchen, but there was no one there. I started to feel scared to be upstairs on my own. 洗手间在走廊的尽头,每次我去那的时候,总有种身后有人跟着的感觉。有一次,我看见一个高大的黑影转过墙角进了厨房,但那儿根本没人。我开始害怕一个人上楼。
Downstairs, in the bar, it had a much more friendly atmosphere, but upstairs felt oppressive and claustrophobic. One night I woke up to find my sash window open and the tall figure standing on the balcony, looking out across the town. It then jumped off the rooftop. The child I had sensed, in such a comforting way, now began to scare me too. It was a little girl, and it seemed that with the appearance of this dark man she became intensely scared. I would see her standing in the doorway screaming while the black shadow approached behind her. I would hear cries and screams in the dead of night. My friend ended up pulling down the old fireplace that had been bricked up in the room we shared. That did it for I sensed something dreadful in the entire pub after he did that. I never worked or stayed there again. 楼下酒吧里的气氛很好。但楼上却让人感到压抑恐惧。一天晚上,我醒来看到推拉窗开着,阳台上有个高高的黑影,正看着整个镇子。然后它从屋顶一跃而下。我曾经深感欣慰感觉到的那个小孩也开始让我害怕。那是个小女孩,看起来那个黑影的出现把她吓坏了。我曾看到那个黑影从背后向她走去,她就站在门口尖叫。寂静的夜里,我可以听到哭喊尖叫声。最后,我朋友把我们房间里的壁炉给拆了。之后,我开始在整个酒吧都感觉到可怕的东西。从此,我再没在那儿工作或是住过。