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2021-02-18 作者:故事大全 阅读:














“这个小伙子立就被吓得跑了回去,可是有谁会相信他说的话呢! ”













Introduce:"Grandpa Zhang, you are in the home! Tell bit of new story quickly to us! " Zhu Xiaobao is taking a flock of children that are the same as a village to come to this village most the magnify father home of meeting taletelling. "Do you like to listen to my taletelling? " magnify father asks gladly. "Like, the story that your every time tells grandpa Zhang came home what we frighten to dare not sleep in the evening, but we like to listen to your taletelling. " Zhu Xiaobao's heated answer talk. "Good, my spirit returns grandpa Zhang today pretty good, with respect to the strangest thing that says a this village to circulate before to you! " magnify father expression unca


nnily say. "The name of the story is called not dead body, according to legend is in a long time ago, there is an old man in our village, without also do not have female, with respect to oneself a person lives all alone, but his a few strange things still make the villager all round very curious to him! " magnify father halt a little while, think because of him the child that makes this side lovely is guessed. "Strange thing? Since the name of the story makes not dead body, need not that great grandfather have a meal ah? " Zhu Xiaobao asks curiously, "Do not have a meal, won't he feel hungry? " be in that group of children


when eyeball of pop have sth in mind is visitting magnify father curiously, he laughs, continued to say, "Right, he not only need not have a meal, and still need not drink water, average person won't believe possibly, the person that has curiosity went in the home of that old man, discovery does not have a bowl in his home, water cup of what do not have, more those who make a person open-eyed is, can saying in his home is be utterly destitute, it is what thing is done not have, but put a bier however! " " ah, ghost, zhongzi! " here, the dot all round fears cried. "Won't he be to sleep inside? " Zhu Xiaobao appears courage is bigger. "To think clearing up this old man is a what an eccentric person after all, the audacious fellow in the village once secretly outside the door that hides in that old man in the late evening, want to see this old man can lie inside bier in the evening after all, the result discovers that old man is in actually the house is impending. " " he is an immortal! The body can fly! " " this boy is frightened so that ran immediately, the word that but who can believe him,says! " " passed a few days, abrupt one day, the villager people that old man that curious discovery loves to bask at ordinary times, already successive several days still se


e another person, somebody suspects he is by starved to death, be in finally of mayor guide below, a gang villager swung open the door of that old man curiously, discover a lone bier in the home, did not see the old man's figure, but the door is however from inside on bolt! " magnify father is unaltered



