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2021-02-18 作者:故事大全 阅读:




















一年之后,老孟连升好几级,最后直接成为了他们那个部门的副部长。本来这是一件可喜可贺的事, 但老孟却怎么也高兴不起来。原来,他脸上的那颗痣,最近越来越大,已经是原来的三倍大小了。去医院检查,医生也说没有癌变迹象。如果点掉,可能会留下一个很大的疤,这样老孟很是苦恼。这天下班,正当老孟和同事们寒暄着中午吃什么的时候,门口来了几名警察。他们向老孟出示完逮捕令之后,就直接把老孟带走了。同事们都议论纷纷,觉得老孟肯定是贪污被人家举报了。可几天后的事实却让人大吃一惊:老孟涉嫌谋杀一名年轻女孩,并且剥下了她的脸皮!



Introduce:Mole, it is the benign tumor that deposit of melanin of human body surface


forms, average person has the presence of mole on body personally. In physiognomy of Chinese ancient time, the position from mole and size can judge one the inpidual's disposition to be accomplished even. Laomeng had arrived this year not the age of be puzzled, but that branch that goes to work in him, still be the most rock-bottom small official however. To rise job, laomeng did a lot of things, do real thing hard, insinuate leader, entertain guests give sb a present, these he has worked. However acid is, rise job every time there is him in list. Laomeng begins to beg a god to do obeisance to Buddha even finally, the result is same still. This day, laomeng comes off work as usual come home. As a result of long anxiety, laomeng looks the suffer bitterly and nurse deep hatred of one face, give a person a kind of sense that gets along very hard, so every time old Meng Zou is on the street, advertising of a running fire won't look for him. Can be different however today, a man appears before his body, and blocked him. "This friend, I see you have mug-up thing it seems that. " the personnel that Laomeng is pondering over how to answer this is brought into play, after be being blocked, he looks up see this man. A piece of very common face, common to lose wha


t also cannot find again in the crowd the sort of. "Who are you? What do you want to work? " old Meng Bing did not receive a sentence, asked in reply however man. "I am a pision of tell sb's fortune by reading his face, a moment ago saw from your face posture you have a load on one's mind, bar issue you, look whether solve for you. " the man is readily very explained he bars the matter that leaves Laomeng. "Division of tell sb's fortune by reading his face? Not be of fortune-telling. I do not have money, I also do not think fortune-telling. " Laomeng is placed place a hand, signal man get out of the way. "I won't receive your fund, anyway very fast also, let me look to your settle on? How? " man not give up the idea forever, chased after again. "Good, see you can speak what pattern to come. " Laomeng looks swing do not drop a man, flat stop let him calculate. "Look from face posture, you this has government-owned look, press a truth for, should can do a magnifico. " the man comes up to begin boast Laomeng as expected, did not know this as it happens to touch however Laomeng's pain spot. "Roll roll! Father should become a magnifico, most what work first is you this group of swin


dlers are done


go in the jail! " Laomeng utterly discomfited, within an inch of is about to start work dozen of person. "Fasten urgent, I had not said! " the man said then. "You although this photograph has Guan Lu, but you however piece a mole, block was in on Guan Lu. This is just like is a hill, want to become an officer, you have to have the will of the Foolish Old Man removed the mountains. " " I this this year 40 several, which still have perseverance to go all out. " Laomeng listened man this word, sighed. "You say, I give a point this mole, how, guan Lu was connected



