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2021-02-18 作者:故事大全 阅读:




到市场买了一瓶酒,得来点儿菜呀,他在市场里转悠着,走到买烧鸡那儿,迈不动道了,摸摸口袋,走了。又转转,看见一个买青椒的,心想:一辣解三馋,便买了些。正准备回转,听到前面有人叫卖:“刚打的山鸡,野味!”他见围着几个人,便也凑合过去,买山鸡一看见他便说:“野味,来一只吧,介要是青椒炒山鸡没治了。”在众人的目光下,姓董的冒出一句:“人家现在都提倡保护野生动物。”便得意洋洋的走开了。回家吧 -_-











Introduce:Tianjin place, have a last name direct person. This person is do-nothing, faineant. Eat and drink go whoring is betted, all is perfectness. It is originally among kin friend, domestic condition is best, but also via having turn from side to side of his this Mo, did not come down a few years, bag is cleaner than the face. Dad Mom sees he won'ts do implement, pided half family property to give him, pay attention to him no longer. Soon year nearly 30, he returns this Mo to shake. His largest interest, drink namely, a day of 3 eat do not leave alcoholic drink suddenly suddenly. The word says one day, he from smelly by the nest child in climb, see a table, you, afternoon at 6 o'clock, should drink. Take liquor bottle to look, see an end, rapidly collect cling to collect Ba Gang board, banknotes of one went straight towards market …… to the market to buy a bottle of wine continuously, must come a dish ah, he is sauntering in the market, go to buy carbonado there, stride be not moved, feel a pocket, went. Turn again, see one buys green pepper, the heart thinks: One hot solution 3 greedy, bough


t some. Planning turn, hear in front somebody peddles: "The pheasant that just hit, game! " he sees round a few people, also make do with in the past, buy pheasant at sight of he says: "Game, come to, if green pepper fried pheasant to was not treated,upright. " fall in the


look of everybody, surname direct appear: "The family advocates protective wild animal now. " went away cock-a-hoop. Come home - _- returns the home in, he just prepared to cook, abrupt discovery is stopping the dove of a white on windowsill, he of to walk gingerly walk up, dove did not think the meaning that escape, he did not expend a bit effort, one held dove. He looks for basket again, put in dove, still caught rice, put some of water. Look carefully, what doesn't dove have exceptionally place


, feather not how Mo is white, still fell off a few, not how Mo volant appearance. Put away dove, he will to hutch fall, preparation stir-fries, look at green pepper he made anxious, what to take to fry? Answer those who remember pheasant to peddle sound, he turned to the look columbine basket …… he dove from basket in take, see the look that cannot bear a bit really, at that time wine insect came, his pharynx buccal saliva, taking dove to go straight towards hutch continuously, one knife cuts the head …… alcoholic drink that left dove full meal is full, surname direct those who faint sleep. Had not known how long, he is faint the voice that there is a woman to cry outside hearing the door, sound is discontinuous, continuously very long, he talks in whispers a bit, get out of be


d go looking, open a door, see one woman stands outside the door, appearance is very comely, highteen appearance, wearing the gauze skirt of a suit white, very beautiful. Surname direct


