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2021-02-18 作者:故事大全 阅读:













Introduce:Zhang Baichao is an one hundred percent is rich 2 generation, he everyday serious issue does not work, the racing bike that can open him everywhere show off. Have a period of time suddenly, zhang Baichao's racing bike becomes slow rise. Zhang Baichao desperately step on the gas, but do not carry namely on speed, highest can achieve only 80 stride, wheel is like by what entwine be like. A day night, zhang Baichao and brother agree to meet in bar. He goes out late, time had not enough time quickly, but how doesn't speed rise quickly also however, one anxious he copied alley. After abduct takes path, Zhang Baichao regrets a little immediately, because he sees there is bloodstain on alley edge, jump over forth more much. Abrupt, the vitreous pop-up in front comes to the car person of a bloo


d. After Zhang Baichao screams, hitting steering wheel to bump on the rock of roadside, racing bike on the spot disintegrate. Zhang Baichao is swung outside, "Wow " the ground is spat come after a blood, faint see a woman relied on to


come over, she has a leg only. The woman is in cracked axle evacuate jump stick, this ability sees Zhang Baichao clear is a bloody leg then. Feminine laugh presses the leg on his body: "Searched for ages, tangle so was in in axle! " Zhang Baichao's scalp at a draught with respect to , that wife walks over to crouch before him to laugh toward his grin, chin is tumbledown: "This gentleman, didn't you drink today? " before Zhang Baichao remembers a month suddenly, he drinks wine hit a wife when converse travel, next she is coiled to be below the car. Frighten so that the Zhang Baichao of be frightened out of one's wits sees all round a person also is done not have, ran with respect to fierce step on the gas at once. "Do not look for me, I am not intended! " Zhang Baichao holds a frightening cry in the arms, the heart thinks is female ghost will all alone certainly life. "Do not be afraid of, I just want to see a thing on your body. " had not waited for Zhang Baichao reaction to come over, feminine hand has been extended to in his bosom, immediately he was drawn out with respect to the heart that feels his. "True with fokelore same, " before the woman holds Zhang Baichao's heart in both hands in the face, looking up and down, "The person that original cause trouble escapes has a Shi


Xin! "The per


son that original cause trouble escapes has a Shi Xin!!


