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2021-02-09 作者:故事大全 阅读:















“你要想想,成为瞎子总比上要死好的太多吧 。”

















Introduce:Remind cautiously: Patient of concentrated and scared disease does not look! ! ! Ghost pupil, also call yin and yang the eye, it is the clever different incident that points to certain person to see below specific condition. The dim light of night gradually deep, inky covered a sky euqally as a curtain, close not leak, obscure illumination. The pedestrian that looks at a road to go up is less and less, the in fear and trembling in my heart rises. I call Li Fei, apparently seeing me is common cannot be in average person. Actually, all the time since me a very vexed problem, that is I can see ghost. Now the dim light of night gradually d


eep, I see a street the soul that go up is increasing. 100 ghost night goes, then one drops one into black abyss. Like this kind of circumstance I see very much, did not blame via minding already. What make me scared truly is a thing actually. 3 days ago in the morning, my overflowing is aimless browsing a webpage, feel left hand is a bit urticant suddenly. I am forced to exert all my strength with the right hand attrition stops urticant, but I itch more forcibly more. At this moment on my computer screen abrupt Hei Bing, there is a word on Hei Bing. I took aim, see only above


writing: After 3 days, acheron road, you wait between date of departure of 100 ghost night. I was not put on the heart at first, think this is a mischief only stopped. But slowly I felt panic, because itched no longer on these 3 days of my bodies, appeared however a lot of gules packet, thickly dotted, before long hind these packet him all were out of shape, formed cave the stereo packet of shape, resembling is a bee is honeycomb and same. Thickly dotted gules packet is increasing, slowly spread to another arm from an arm, a few hours spread all over the whole body. I this is now, it is thickly dotted gules packet all over, and some local shatter on the body, leaving maize ichor actually, red and yellow again on my body, I am to feel my life was over really. "You came. " I look down sound, saw the person of white of a whole body. "Who are you, why should do me into this appearance? " my growl path. He just laughs, that laugh lets me feel Sen Han. "You can call me


white fugacious. I do not have other meaning, just mean your thing, you should give me it only, your disease is met heal. " " what thing. " I indissoluble ask. "Breathe out, eye of your yin and yang. " " then I was not to become a blind person. " " you want to want, those who become a blind person to always had died than wanting immediately is too much. " some shake in my heart, be, remember oneself present person, the appearance of ghost. This still can accept the opportunity that changes this is alive with a pair of eyes really. I present get on besides all over


