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2021-02-09 作者:故事大全 阅读:
















Introduce:Li Lin 13 years old of birthday when, mom sends her child of a Bobby. This baby is very special, features is extremely unsightly, dan Lilin the first fell in love with it, still holding this baby in the arms to sleep everyday. Before long, her father had an


affair, committed suicide under mom stretch. Evermore, li Lin resembling was


to change completely a person, tacit, disposition is crabbed, she feels, the can count exclusively person on this world disappeared, won't again somebody likes her. However, those who make her accident is, after be brought up, she receives a love letter unexpectedly. Send her the person of love letter, the name calls Li Chen. Later, li Chen became her boy friend. Time of inchoate half an year, li Chen is maintaining the image of paradigmatic male friend from beginning to end, to her meticulously. Regrettablly good times don't last long, eventually one day, the boy friend still leaves her, the reason is very simple, he liked to go up another girl. Li Lin has a kind of feeling that is abandoned by cruel ground, resemble at the outset mom is abrupt leave without say g


oodbye in that way, she is felt to surround by an endless loneliness for an instant. Under stretch, she gives her all gift commit to the flames the boy friend. "You can have Nemesis! " the edge is burned to want by the side of her. This fire, burning in the kitchen, accident is, igneous situation loses control actually. Good not easy, li Lin just from the extricate oneself in ablaze intense blaze, but below one second, she remembered that child! She flings caution t


o the winds the ground rushs, when jump jumps into fire to pile …… Li Lin to awake, the face that discovers oneself is cheating a gauze. Her face by burn down, ferocious is dread, so deformed that resemble devil. It is herself has not been aware of only. A day that when tear open gauze, li Lin's father is looking at her anxiously by. Gauze one layer upon layer ravel, li Lin is abrupt be overjoyed, pointing to the face in the mirror to say: "Look quickly! Look quickly! I rescue baby come! " later, that baby discovered below the bed that Li Lin's father burns out in Li Lin, strange is, it is in good condition nondestructive. The face of baby as always ferocious, t


hat appearance, with present Li Lin exactly like! He understands eventually, this baby is a curse. Before the wife commits suicide, the hate to the husband, completely marry again arrives on daughter body, so, she just sends her this child. And Li Lin this piece of present face, it is the child of man of two negative hearts.


