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2021-02-07 作者:故事大全 阅读:


















Introduce:Night, let a person indulge, in the city of scene of debauchery, most person is the monetary slave of an utterly worthless person. The person can sell any things that can sell for money, include conscience and life. Common saying says, 10 annual life and death two boundless and indistinct, I and pl


um had not seen 3 years, wind unboiled water removes what in these a few years he mixes in Beijing, allegedly now is the manager of a trading company, there are his small honey and bodyguard when coming home last, opening light of BMW wind scene the speech leaves on the town, the o


ld schoolmate before giving each the red bag of 1000 money, this is in we there still be a head, when going to school previously, he is my best brother, I leave a piece of calling card when so he is faced, say to he searchs when letting me mix no less than going to, he can help me become his in that way person. I go in new market to, there is the broken garment sodden unlined upper garment that brings from native place on the back, there is the calling card of plum in the hand. Enquiring all the way ca


me to harbor dragon edifice, look at topping the edifice that is like the cloud, the brother that wanting to play together before a boss that now is this edifice, overturn resembles in my heart condiment, indiscriminate of the five flavors. "Hello, plum, I arrive you are downstair, you come down, security personnel does not let me go up. " very fast I am evicted to come by security personnel, I dialed the telephone of plum simply. As expected, differ meeting sees plum dress receives me trimly downstairs, we greeted a few sit get on his car to have a meal, say honest, I look at his achievement, in the heart early the extremely that envies, silent in the heart even pledge, if I can become him in that way, I am willing to pay any price, include life. Our drive car comes in a in city high-grade hotel, opened a bag, after full meal of a wine is full, plum lighted a cigarette, say to me: "Are you very envy me? " my wooden inclination, he looks at the dim light of night outside, eyes midstream shows a desolate, he closely staring at me, next slowly right I say: "Do I say me with you is now a person any more do you believe? " he says this word to turn overdo not to see me, no matter I am open-eyed,also mix the expression that indissoluble, sit in window edge next, the slowly experience that spits tobacco group to remove him a few years this to my narrate. "You see this congested crowd, they blind is going ahead, actually, just beginning me also is as them, be work commonly a group of things with common features, after till that day I collected that stone to resemble in the evening, everything all with respect to wherefrom night produced change. " in the evening, what I go in this flourishing is in, look at all round all over the person that wine enrages, they are the wealthy people that the life swims socially


