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2021-02-05 作者:故事大全 阅读:





































Introduce:Mr Zhang takes Xia Fangfei to eat dinner, the table of the Valentine's Day places rose and candlelight, xia Fangfei drank a lot of red wine, little face is even ruddier than the rose a lot of. Mr Zhang is a such men, age of 35 years old, the career has, life be cautious, it doesn't matter is undesirable hobby, but savour decorous, constant discrepancy auctions meeting and artistic exhibition, also love sport, style of conversation is humor and humorous, more god-given is him extremely know rule, go out appointment, never even more quadrature, natural action person loves, young girl loves him such mature man, xia Fangfei is not exceptional also. Xia Fangfei and Mr Zhang acquaintance at a banquet, she comes by company accreditation, attend so high-grade party for the first time, colorful formal attire skirt makes her a little suffocative come, be in at this moment, mr Zhang falls from the day, one hello the mood instant calm that lets her perturbed. They talked about that one evening a lot of, all over the country, what open-eyed Yu Zhangxian gives birth to Xia Fangfei is broad and profound, meanwhile, also see admire. They are in acquaintance begins appointment after 3 months, the person t


hat knows they concern is not much, the affection of Mr Zhang history, often explode expecting will be to talk endowment, his preference is so low-key, xia Fangfei also did not become aware what is incorrect, be happy for company he is low-key. Candle power dinner is very good, xia Fangfei feels today's Mr Zhang is a little excited, the mood of such summary


make public is ferial in cannot seeing on his face, so Xia Fangfei speculation should have some of meddlesome feeling tonight. Also really, two people are together so long, the relation is this further, xia Fangfei is a little nervous, some expect. "Dear, I have a surprise to want to send you. " as expected, mr Zhang was given out after dinner ends invite, xia Fangfei's face is redder, nod gently, got on a car together along with him. The car sails in the villa of the


suburb to Mr Zhang, more confirm Xia Fangfei's speculation. Unexpected, there is lamplight in villa, mr Zhang is pulling her hand to go in, cross in darkness, pace is smooth, sound also is: "Had watched show? " " how don't have, we is last week to just had looked? The classical melodrama of the Broadway, a that when you like most. " " not, what I say is not this kind of play. You know to be when I am small,


there still is not so much between person and person in those days diaphragmatic, there always is old actor show on the square of small town, each Hu Peng calls out friend to look together, what our dot likes most is puppet show. " " puppet show? I also had looked in one's childhood. " " then you had not looked for certain such. " Mr Zhang is saying, stopped footstep: "Dear, this is the gift that I send you. " as his one's voice in speech fall, shined at the room crepuscular, it is a small stage unexpectedly, musical sound is transmitted, resembling is play wants


