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2021-02-02 作者:故事大全 阅读:


























Introduce:A long time ago, have a doctor, he not only medical skill is excellent, and medical ethics is exalted, often help a poor freely see a doctor, so constant somebody asks his visit a patient at home. Doctor pay a home visit, walking along nocturnal way nature in the evening is unavoidable, but those who make a person strange is: No matter the day is much black, take nocturnal route, he never hits a lantern however. Time is long, people discovered a secret: In the evening, see doctor the top of head has the lights of the size like a bit soya bean far. And before he goes close, also cannot see with respect to what. Wait for him to go far again one look, that bit of lights is shining slightly again however. Ask doctor, he also says to not be clear about is how to return a responsibility, feel only at the moment of brilliant, travel night road is arduous not at all. People says, because he does a good work,this is, so God is blessed. One day, doctor pay a home visit, the eye saw midnight, still do not see he comes back. Daughter-in-law is not at ease in the home, be in look around in doorway Xiang Yuan. But, also often did not see a long time lights appears. Be what to issue give? Be in daughter-in-law is anxious when suffer from excessive internal heat, transmitted footstep nearby. It is doctor so came back. Husband and wife returns back room, wear lights, daughter-in-law is astonied. See marital dress is tattered only, a bloody nose and a swollen face, daughter-in-law is busy ask him: "You is this how? " doctor says: "The day is too black I see not clear way, dropped several Jiao. " son's wife is good do not be surprised, she says seriously: "Today, you were to do the


thing with grossly unjust what certainly. Otherwise I stood outside old a long time, how to see the lights of your the top of head? " doctor let the word of daughter-in-law, some are not happy. He says: "Do you return my humanness not to know? What I am done one day is the work with hard solution of care of side others platoon, where


had done grossly unjust thing? It is me only also wondering, nocturnal route takes in former days, no matter how the day is black, brilliant is before, today however pitch-dark. Is this after all how? " the thing that daughter-in-law allows him to cross one the ten Heavenly Stems again repeat. Then doctor memory rises: "In the morning, the give or have an acupuncture treatment of king old lady that I go to breaking down, the old lady says the cure through a few days, her leg can activity …… " " do you want money more to the family? " " not. The son of the old l


ady stays me to have a meal, I did not agree. " " hum, this is meddlesome, won't have a problem. " doctor says then: "After coming out, I treated a few patient again, transient Yang Zhuang, have the cow be difficult to do of an other people, soon big Niu Xiaoniu most likely, they must I help deliver a child. Where can I give draught animals deliver a child? Do not have method, I am forced to have a try. Still never mention it, pound through beat, the calf is to be born, just had been about to die. I plunged into a few needles to it, it just come to one's senses. Mother


