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2021-02-02 作者:故事大全 阅读:
















Introduce:That day of mother goes out buy food, dish basket disappears when coming back, it is complexion cadaverous collect says in a low voice to the side of my ear: "Heard of? The daughter of home of aunt of adjoining your king got a kind of disease suddenly, say to faint, can double eye wakes after fainting aglow, full ground chaos climbs bark is given out to get a dog to cry in the mouth, a moment ago I go out to buy food, as it happens sees she comes on, quite fearsome


. " say a mother to smack chest, complexion is more cadaverous. "Didn't king aunt take a girl to go look look? " I have one to build without build the ground to ask, do not catch a cold to these the Eight Diagrams really. "Went, how to go, general physical checkup was done in several large hospitals, do not have fish what disease comes, go later outside look ill, found a very famous sorceress. Sorceress look she is shutting eye count sth on one's fingers finger, let them go back! She sees the ch


ild that says home of your king aunt bad. Your king aunt is entreated by every means later, sorceress one face is helpless the ground, all one's life on their mother and daughter is a pair of husband and wife, the mother is a man, the daughter is a woman, the man lost a woman to still give the woman killed. Feminine be reborn does her daughter to come to those who revenge to look for her namely nowadays, do not grind her dead not to stop absolutely …… " " was gotten quickly! " if I interrupted a mother, say disapprovingly: "Next sorceress is lion big mouth certainly, want money to want a thing to give broken solution next. " " you are wrong, your king aunt said, sorceress said to her 10 thousand be linked together are not defeated, this is to go up the kind and enmity of all one's life, must this age know clearly. " the mother says to get happy to dance, a pai


r of look that she saw. "Mom! I am hungry, fasten the family's thing, stop at this point, we or the time that spend us well! " ground of my grinning cheekily fools her into the kitchen, this ability returns my ear root koshe


r. A day of a few in the future early in the morning, the as it happens when I go out sees the girl of king aunt home, her expression is very strange, make a move removes two conditions, will be answered back and forth on stair, block up over, as it happens held off the road that I go down. Did I cry " does the girl let? " her


Xi Xi laughs, sound is mixed completely differ before. I am frightened so that stimulate by her laugh clever, when wanting to twist a head to come home, king aunt ran, see her daughter, anxiously say: "Baby! Come home? Are you to should eat dumpling? Mom has been wrapped to you. " say to stretch one's hand go pulling her. But I stand above look really really, she reachs projecting hand, be captured quickly by her daughter, pull forcibly next, she stands flabby, fall ahead, if her daughter is helped up,live originally she, her what thing also won't have, regrettablly her daughter shines, not only let her wheel go down, still push forcibly on her back. My station is pinnacled look anger glare mouth is slow-wittedly, tremble all over,


